Staff Council Meeting


2 – 3:30 p.m., Aug. 29, 2023

This Staff Council Meeting will be held virtually on Zoom and is open to all staff of the University of Arizona.

Zoom link:


  1. Welcome
  2. Old Business – Committee Reports (1-2 minute check-ins)
    1. Budget – Jennifer Lawrence
    2. Communications – Danielle Oxnam
    3. Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion – Melanie Madden
    4. Policy – Amanda Stevens
    5. Professional Development – Jill Hewins & Kimberly Moore
    6. Recognition & Awards Jennifer Lawrence
    7. Representation – Kimberly Chapman
    8. Events – Nichole Guard & Carmen Valenzuela
    9. External Committees – Melanie Madden
  3. New Business – Discussion Items
    1. Parking Equity Discussion
      1. Formulate Questions/Concerns
      2. Invite P&T to a future meeting
    2. Time Reporting for Volunteer and Professional Development Hours
    3. GPSC Proposal to formalize shared governance participation in executive searches
    4. New Committee Possibility: Workplace Climate Committee
  4. Guest Speaker – Steve Patterson, Interim Chief Safety Officer
  5. Next Meeting scheduled for September 26
  6. Adjourn

Recording of the UArizona Staff Council Meeting of August 29, 2023