Mission Statement
Staff Council represents all staff employees, University and Classified Staff, by taking an active role in shared governance and advising the University Administration and other university organizations on matters of concern to all staff.
Vision Statement
As an advocate for all staff, Staff Council will enhance the quality of career life. We promote professional enrichment, favorably influence senior administration and provide timely and relevant communication regarding staff positions by our active participation in shared governance and our knowledge of community activities. Staff Council and its representatives provide vital contributions to the university and the broader community by helping to identify and realize strategic goals.
What is Staff Council?
Vital Contributors to the UA Community
Staff Council is the University of Arizona shared governance organization representing University and Classified Staff in campus shared governance. Formed after the merger of the Appointed Professionals Advisory Council (APAC) and Classified Staff Council (CSC) in 2021, the University of Arizona Staff Council (UASC) has an organized structure of officers and committees and meets monthly.
Staff Council's specific activities are reviewed each year to support the Council's important goals of:
- Favorably influencing upper senior administration
- Maximizing staff visibility on campus
- Providing staff representation on more than 20 campus committees
- Helping to support Awards for Excellence and other employee recognition events
- Promoting professional development opportunities
Staff Council is continually working to enhance the University workplace. Watch for updates to our goals and priorities on our website.
A Driving Force for Strategic Planning and Change
Staff Council promotes professional enrichment and works to positively guide senior leadership by being useful members of a collaborative team in carrying out the goals of the University.
You can receive information about Staff Council and UASC meetings through this website and through our monthly Staff Council Courier. Current representatives are listed on the website. Any member of the Council would be glad to share with you our current activities, and how, by being a representative yourself, you can help shape the important issues of shared governance.